Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Schizo Days

I've never been much for sticking with one group or subculture. In college I jumped back and forth between Theta Chi (IFC: Theta Chi is a threat not only to the campus community, but also to its own members; OTR: Individual Theta Chis are fine to chill with, a little east coast attitude is manageable, but get them all together and it's Brooklynaggedon. Approach with caution); wild underground punk parties (left, the Misfits play at the Union Ballroom); Boy's Night Out at the Nectarine Ballroom; and volunteering at Ozone House, the collectively-run counter-culture inspired runaway shelter.

These worlds would cross rarely, if at all.

I'm still jumping between worlds, though they're more socially acceptable ones these days.

This past Saturday Roz organized a huaka`i for the paddling group at He`eia Fishpond (left). It was cold wet and windy - not a typical Hawai`i day at all. We were told the history of the pond by two of the caretakers, and then taken out to the rim collect some invasive algae (Gracilaria salicornia, aka gorilla ogo).

This part was fun - the water was murky, so you had to feel for the algae with your feet. Once you felt a patch you'd dive down and blindly grab what you could. We filled a couple baskets, which the Association will then clean and sell for poke.

Of course, we only made a dent in the ogo. It's extremely invasive, and has been smothering reefs and crowding out native limu island-wide.

Mehana at the mākāhā.

Keli`i on the history of the pond.

Most of the group stayed to fish for moi; I had to run, do a quick change, and meet some of the guys at Mariposa for Ron C's birthday brunch. What a change that was - from down to earth people involved in protecting the land to ladies who lunch (left). It took me awhile to make the transition. I was shocked at the prices, especially given how absolutely average the food was. It was all pretension, no flavor. exempli gratia: : I ordered a side of "porcini fries with truffle aioli." Sounds good, eh? Turns out they were regular fries "dusted" with porcini powder. It still might have been good if you could have tasted the porcini. As for the truffle aioli ... it wasn't an aioli, it was a vinegary mayonnaise that tasted more of mustard seed.

It took me awhile to switch gears.

But it was about the company, and that was more than fine. I haven't hung out with Ron much at all this past year, so it was nice to reconnect. Sumner treated (yeay!), and Scott continues to impress with a lifestyle that puts the rest of us to shame. While we ate his latest houseboy was home cleaning and decorating the tree. I have no idea how he does it.

I think I'm stuck being a homeboy though ... I'll never quite fit into the porcini dust world (give me the whole damn mushroom or leave it off), and I'm still more likley to take a date to the St. Louis Drive-In around the corner from me (left). I like their fries better, and those plus two burgers and a drink costs all of $4.09. It's a style I can live with.

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