Friday, April 20, 2007

10 Miles

I earned a seat in the Masters canoe for tomorrow's race at Pokai Bay. I'm psyched for that.

An hour ago I learned that the race is 10 miles. Now I'm a bit freaked, since that is longer than I have paddled, ever - and this is a race, not practice. There's only one other novice in our boat, so there's no room to slack. I was stressed already thinking that this was a 1 kilometer regatta. I wasn't expecting distance.

Had a good night. Saw Altar Boyz with some of the guys on the crew. It was ok, and kind of funny - but in the end it was a one joke play. Went to dinner at Little Village afterwards, where I learned the true agenda for tomorrow.

So. I need to sleep. This sport is making me push some serious boundaries.

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