Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Moloka`i Boogie

I'm all packed - I've squeezed three days worth of supplies into a ten-gallon wetbag. I've started my carbo-loading, kicking it off with casarecce pasta in a smoked salmon & tomato-cream sauce. I believe in fattening up right.

And every second thought is "Moloka`i," and it has been for awhile now. Two weeks ago my mood was: why the hell am I doing this, I am so not built for this lifestyle. I am not a jock and I get seasick and I'm just going to heave the whole way, that is if I don't hit the wall again and bonk and let my team down. I think (I hope) I mostly covered it up.

I've been mostly cool this week. Physically I'm as ready as I can be. As last year, I am in peak shape right now. And I'll have the scopalamine patch on, and I haven't been smoking, so I should do better than last year. And I feel good, and I feel good, and I'll see photos of our competitors fresh from the Olympics and I'll think wow and I'll feel really good, 'cause we're just guys from the neighborhood and we're going up against them!, and then I'll stress a bit again, and it'll pass.

Tomorrow we do sprints, than a pasta dinner at Buco. Friday we fly to Moloka`i. Saturday we rig and do last minute prep. Sunday, at 7:30 am, we hit the seas. I start off on the escort boat with Rod and Eli, which means I'll be in the first change around La`au Point, and in the canoe for the roughest seas. For me, that's better than being in the escort boat.

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