Friday, July 20, 2007

Firday Night

It's going to be a go-go-go weekend.

The billionaire met the governor yesterday and told her he wanted the permit done now. As in: today.

His permit's position in the queue remains unchanged.

We had our last practice as novices yesterday. Tomorrow is our final regatta. The remnants of hurricane Cosme are somewhere out there, but it's only a depression now, it's far to the south, and it's rapidly dissipating. It'll probably be either super muggy or windy and wet tomorrow. And I'm fine with that - we actually place better when the ocean is a bit rougher.

And then comes distance season, which I'm both excited about and dreading. I see the guys eyes light up when they talk about distance, so I'm trusting them and pushing forward.

And then tomorrow night is Love Festival. I hope it's good - I haven't had a long hard night of good dancing since ... I don't know. Maybe last June. That's too long.

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