Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Been arrested lately?

Apparently, that is the new way for cute blonds to greet me. I guess it beats the generic "howzit?"

I've seen him a couple times walking in front of my house, or riding his skateboard by. He'll turn and smile, I'll smile back and try not to trip, and he'll ride on. He's hella cute: lean, tanned, curly blond hairs on his legs, tall ... it all works for me. Today he stopped to talk - and surprises me with that opening.

Turns out we were arrested together a few years ago for illegally hiking in Makua Gulch. There were about four separate groups of us: M. and I, some sailors, and some students. DLNR stood in the mouth of the valley and busted all of us coming out.

The universe loves irony - I now work for the same guys who arrested us.

This time I'll remember his name [Tomas Tomas Tomas ...]. I invited him to join the gang on Ka`ala Saturday, but he's of to New York tonight.

I've finally been making it back to the gym. I've started going early morning, before work. One day I hope to make it for the 6am yoga class, but that is not going to be any day soon.

I googled some "ideal male proportions" sites, unsure if they would inspire me or make me feel like shit. Some shot back some ridiculous results - one chart said I should have a 28.5 inch waist based on my hip size ... if I were anorexic that wouldn't be possible. And some inspired me. Some were actually do-able. I put a calculator that gives ideals based on wrist size in the side-bar. The Iron Dungeon gives a different set of results based on height and weight.

Yeah, I'm giving in to body fascism and Madison Avenue's false ideals and skewed images of masculinity and all that shit. And I'm giving in without apology.

Current Stats: 195 #, 38" hips, 36.5" waist [damn!], 43" chest, 14.5" biceps, 23" quads.

My Goals: add 1-2" on my biceps, 1-2" in the chest, 1" on the thighs, and ... ahem ... take off 2-3" in the waist. My abs still show, but I want my obliques back, dammit!

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